Nurse Ria’s Notes
Its still Flu Season! Though the recent bout of snow days in WV has greatly decreased the spread of seasonal illnesses, Flu is still present in our community. Continue to encourage good habits at home, adequate sleep, sound nutrition and handwashing, handwashing, handwashing.
Viruses can live on an inanimate surface for 7-10 hours after contact. Frequent washing of hands, and wiping of surfaces that are frequently touched, such as phones, computers and doorknobs, can go a long way toward preventing the spread of infections.
If your child does get sick, remember:
Do Not send your child to school with a fever, and PLEASE keep your child home for a full 24 hours after fever or vomiting to assure that they are symptom free.
Rising 7th Graders, it’s immunization time! All rising 7th graders will need to be immunized, under WV state law, for Meningococcus as well as a DPT booster known as Tdap. Keep this in mind as you make your well-child and sports physical visits this spring and summer. ALL 7th graders are required to have these vaccines prior to the start of school and/or fall sports and activities. Information was recently sent home to all students in 6th grade who have not yet received these vaccines.
PreK and Kindergarten families please remember to submit any updated records for your child as you do your well-child visits in 2014.
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Advisory! WV Poison Center reminds us that power outages and cold weather are two of the most common risk factors for Carbon Monoxide (CO) poisoning. These conditions result in the use of alternative heat sources and/or the use of generators, which can create CO build up in the home or work place. Symptoms of CO poisoning can mimic those of the flu and other common medical conditions, and people often present with headache, nausea, vomiting, drowsiness or changes in level of consciousness.
If you or any of your family members or pets have these symptoms, please seek medical attention immediately. Also, if one person is the family has been diagnosed with CO poisoning, all other individuals need to be evaluated as well.