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St. Francis de Sales Central Catholic School exists first and foremost for the education of our young people in the Catholic Faith. It is our responsibility to coordinate this process on all levels and in every aspect of the life of our school. SFdSCCS will provide ample opportunity for the students to attend Masses and the Sacraments, such as Reconciliation and the Eucharist. Students are invited to be actively involved in the organization of prayer services and liturgies as well as volunteer service. We also provide opportunities for our students to attend and participate in spiritual retreats. SFdSCCS also has a vibrant and active social justice community. Furthermore, we will begin and end each day with a prayer. SFdSCCS will nurture a healthy spiritual life in the students of our school.
Catholic identity at St. Francis Central Catholic is rooted in relationships, whether the relationships are with God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; the Church; family; friends; or society as a whole. Follow the links to the side to see how these relationships are fostered in countless ways.
The central curriculum of St. Francis de Sales Central Catholic School and the core of our Catholic identity is the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy!
Our children benefit because our parents and school are working together in a partnership. Our parents are expected to be involved, volunteer, and reinforce the values of the school community. St. Francis de Sales Central Catholic School recognizes that parents and family members are children’s first teachers and primary educators. The school joins with parents to form a living community of shared visions. Below are a few ways that families contribute to our school’s Catholic Identity:
- Our Families in Touch (FIT) group of parents meet weekly before the school liturgies in prayer and fellowship and read aloud the petitions of our students.
- Families are welcomed and encouraged to attend and help participate in our weekly all-school Masses.
- Parents are welcome to seek out opportunities and coordinate service projects such as pet food drives, coat drives, toys for tots, or any other opportunity to help others.
St. Francis de Sales Central Catholic School is a central school that is proud to be affiliated with and supported by all four of the sponsoring parishes in Morgantown. All families who are active, participating members of one of our sponsoring parishes receive tuition subsidies through the generosity of our parishes!
St. Francis de Sales Parish
St. John’s Parish
St. Luke’s Parish
St. Mary’s Parish
At the very core of our school and community is our Catholic identity. Christ truly is the reason for our school, and faith and stewardship are the most important elements of the SFdSCCS experience for all members of our community. Some of the ways we live our mission and strive to serve others is by:
- Weekly offerings of food and money to benefit St. Ursula’s food pantry.
- Yearly classroom service projects to benefit the poor and disadvantaged.
- A hands-on school-wide service project during Catholic Schools week
- A school-wide service project each trimester to help underprivileged sections of our community and world
- Acts of charity in response to extraordinary needs
Education at St. Francis de Sales Central Catholic School offers more than just academic excellence. Students also study the Catholic faith and integrate faith experiences into their daily lives in many ways, such as:
- Prayer at the beginning and end of every day, as well as before lunch and before individual classes begin.
- The weekly celebration of Mass for every child in Kindergarten through 8th Grade.
- An engaging and rigorous religion curriculum that teaches each child not only the dictates of the Church, but that in the end, human dignity is dependent upon our human faith in God and the free exercise of that faith – whether that faith is Catholic, Christian, or any other peace-loving tradition.
- The P.S.A.L.M. student organization, which advocates in West Virginia on behalf of global efforts to eradicate the use of land mines and cluster munitions.
- Class retreats for all students in our middle school grades to build fellowship with God and with each other.
Special Intentions Prayer Chain
Please open the link above and write your intention to be prayed for.
It is a profound truth that prayer is the most powerful spiritual tool we possess. Through raising our minds and hearts to God, we are placing our trust not in our own abilities, but in the Lord. The Lord is not only all-knowing and all-powerful, but also who loves us infinitely more than we love ourselves.
The Special Intentions Prayer Chain was created in order to offer our personal intentions for those who may be struggling or need prayers. We believe one of the greatest services we can do for others is to pray for them. By you sharing your prayer request with us, we will be able to honor our mission and offer your prayers in multiple ways. These include individual classrooms during religion, weekly school mass, weekly F.I.T. gatherings, our morning and end-of-day prayer, or on our own personal time knowing your prayers are accessible for us to see. If a prayer is too personal for you to openly communicate, then we encourage you to simply state it as a ‘Special Intention Prayer.’ We understand the privacy of prayer life, but we also understand the power of people praying together in the presence of God.