The Snow Day Program is intended to provide a safe, reliable, and fun option for our PK2 and PK3 students. in the event that school is cancelled due to inclement weather. Please remember that this is only available for our PK2 and PK3 students, and siblings cannot attend unless they are also enrolled in our PK2 or PK3 programs.
The following is important information regarding tomorrow’s Snow Day Care:
– Snow Day Care Hours will be from 8:30 to 4:30. There is no early drop-off or Keepers on these days, so drop-off will not begin until 8:30, and students must be picked up by 4:30 on these days.
– Please message your child’s teacher on Remind no later than 10:00 AM if your child will be attending Snow Day Care on Tuesday, January 16, so we can plan accordingly and be on the lookout for your child.
– Because the main office is not open, please be sure to bring your child to the PK door. After 9:30, there may not be a teacher on duty, so you may need to message your classroom teacher on Remind that you are at school by the PK door.
– Because tomorrow will be a childcare day, the PK2 and PK3 students may come in play clothes.
– Remember to pack a bagged lunch for your child. We will still be providing snacks.
Barb Been
Assistant Principal
St. Francis de Sales Central Catholic School
41 Guthrie Lane
Morgantown, WV 26508
P: (304) 291-5070