SEPTEMBER 23 – 27, 2024

The Fall Book Fair is almost upon us and allows students to purchase books for their reading enjoyment.  You are invited to shop at our Scholastic Book Fair beginning  Monday,

September 23, 2024 through noon on Friday, September 27, 2024.  Additionally, Grandparent’s Day will be celebrated on Friday, September 27, and Grandparents are invited to shop with their students.

All purchases benefit our school and connect students with new books, favorite characters, complete series, and more!  The Book Fair will be open to parents and students from 7:30 am – 3:00 pm, Monday – Thursday, and will close at noon on Friday, September 27.

Volunteers are especially needed to help set up and tear down the book fair.  Volunteers are also needed to work the book fair either as a cashier or to assist students with purchases, especially on Grandparents’ Day as a rather large crowd is expected.   If interested in helping with any aspect of the fair, click on the link below: 


We highly encourage all families to set up an e-wallet for their student(s).  An e-wallet eliminates the need to send money to school.  It is easy for those working the register to find the student’s name and proceed with the purchase.  Please remember, if your student does not use all of the money in his/her e-wallet, the money will remain there for future use.  Relatives can also add money to the e-wallet if they wish. If you want to set up an e-wallet, please click on the link above.  Scroll down to the center of the page and you will see where to click to set up an e-wallet account.

Please remember that tax will be added to all purchases so when giving your child money for the book fair, please remember to include money for the tax. Coin change amounts will be donated to ALL FOR BOOKS to purchase additional books for the library, eliminating the need to return coins to the students.  If you do not wish to donate your change, please let me know.

Please feel free to contact Mrs. Teagarden if there are any questions or concerns.

Kathie Teagarden, SFCCS Librarian