Nearly two and a half years ago our school community suffered the loss of a respected and beloved teacher, Mrs. Adrianna Chico Evans. Because of her glowing and positive demeanor, Adrianna’s death caused sadness in the hearts of faculty, staff, students, and parents. Losing a teacher as talented as Adrianna at such a young age, well before her prime, stirs wonder on how many students lost out on the opportunity of being influenced by her. As a result of her passing, the Adrianna Chico Evans (ACE) Family Fund was birthed. The mission of this foundation is simple: To honor Adrianna by recognizing and rewarding excellence exhibited by teachers who perform, achieve, and excel in the field of education. Mr. & Mrs. Bob Chico (Adrianna’s parents) serve as co-chairs of this fund and they have worked tirelessly to raise money with the intention of perpetually honoring teachers through the legacy of their daughter. As time marches on, we now commemorate Adrianna’s passing with the ACE Award. This award has, in a very short time, become a unique tradition at SFdSCCS, with this year already being the third. The ACE Award is presented annually to ONE teacher of excellence. The first recipient of this award was our long-time (now retired) Art Teacher, Ms. Nora Sheets, while last year’s recipient was current 2nd grade teacher, Ms. Mary Ann Boczek. The list of ACE Award winners will grow year to year, building a fraternity of exemplary educators as well as honoring the legacy of Adrianna.
The window for this year’s ACE Award is now open, and will remain open from March 1 – March 31. Once the nomination window closes, the nominees will be compiled for the ACE governing board (consisting of non-SFdSCCS employees) to review. Some important questions and answers pertaining to the ACE Award can be found below:
Who can nominate a teacher for the ACE Award?
Current parents, students, and faculty/staff members may nominate a teacher for this award.
What teachers are eligible for nomination?
All full-time teachers are eligible for nomination.
How many teachers is a family allowed to nominate?
Only one teacher per household may be nominated. If you have multiple children enrolled at different grade levels, only one teacher may still be nominated. If multiple teachers are nominated from the same household (by accident or otherwise), then only the first nomination form will be accepted.
What will the recipient of the ACE Award receive?
The winner of this award will receive a monetary gift in the amount of $2,500. Furthermore, the recipient’s name will be engraved on an ACE Award plaque, which will be displayed on the wall of achievement in our main lobby.
Can there be multiple winners in the same year?
No. There will only be one winner per year.
Can a teacher win the ACE Award more than once?
No. Once a teacher has won the award and his/her name is on the plaque, then he/she will not be eligible for the award in the future. Thus, Mrs. Boczek (current 2nd grade teacher and reigning winner of the ACE Award) is not eligible for nomination.
Does my family have to nominate a teacher for the ACE Award?
No, the nomination of a teacher is strictly voluntary and is not mandatory.
How do I nominate a teacher for the ACE Award?
Simply open this nomination link and respond to the questions. Once you complete the form and click “submit,” you will NOT have the opportunity to edit.
Thank you for your attention to this communication, especially to those who participate in the ACE Award nomination. Have a blessed day.