A message from SFdSCCS STEAM teacher, Mrs. Badzek:

n Thursday, February 20, 2025, I am sponsoring a fourth annual blood drive at St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church. The previous blood drives have been huge successes, with many families from the school volunteering their time and donating blood. We hope this year will be as successful!

You may wonder why I sponsor this yearly blood drive, so here’s a brief version of my story… On March 20, 2020, I went to the emergency room due to massive blood loss while 30 weeks pregnant with my third child, Maximus. As a result, I received ten units of blood during the emergency surgery, and Max received two as well. This annual blood drive is how I honor those who donated blood and the medical staff who saved my life and Max’s.

Not only is this a way to share a piece of my testimony to God’s wonders, but it is also an opportunity to teach our students about the importance of blood donation, why we do it, who it helps, and that it is safe and necessary through The American Red Cross’ program “Future Blood Donor.”

You can use this link to sign up:
Or use the sponsor code in the Blood Donor app: stfranciswv

Each blood donation saves three lives, and donors are always needed. Your donation can help save many lives and make this blood drive a success! Currently, only 26 out of 57 spots have been filled.

IMPORTANT UPDATE: The American Red Cross is experiencing an emergency blood shortage, as the nation has the lowest number of people giving blood in 20 years. Recently, the Red Cross has had to limit the distribution of some of the most transfused blood types to hospitals. Blood and platelet donations are needed now to help alleviate the shortage and ensure lifesaving medical procedures are not delayed.

With much gratitude,
Jennifer Badzek