Photo Gallery of the Mother-Son Funtacular

The Mother/Son Commitee would like to extend a big thank you to you, your daughter/son, and/or your husband for helping us at the Mother/Son Funtacular.  It takes a small army to pull this off, so we really appreciated your love one’s help.

The afternoon was a tremendous success, and lots of fun for everyone involved (even if you had to chase balls or rings).  We had over 170 moms/grandmas/aunts and sons there, so it took a lot of effort.  This is one of the biggest turnouts yet.  I hope everyone had as much fun as we did.

We had many St. Francis Alum there working the event, which was extremely gratifying. These kids continue to keep the motto, “we are here to serve, and not to be served,” as part of their life.  They continue to try and do service work as part of their high school experience.  It says a lot about them, their parents, and where they came from.  It made us all proud to have these kids help out.

Also, it was so great to see dads helping out, as well as a large  group of 5th to 8th grade school girls!! We even had several 3rd and 4th grade girls there.  These girls were troopers!

Thanks again for your help in making the evening a huge success!!


Mother/Son Funtacular Committee.