“Seek peace and pursue it” PSALM 34:14


PSALM: Proud Students Against Landmines and Cluster Bombs

St. Francis students in Grades 3-8 are offered the opportunity to join PSALM: Proud Students Against Landmines and Cluster Bombs. PSALM students in are dedicated to educating others about the dangers of landmines and cluster bombs and prevent future casualties through service projects. PSALM youth leaders are excellent ambassadors and are internationally recognized as youth leaders. PSALM works on various projects throughout the year including poster making, awareness days and presentations in our school, community and state. They are amazing in their understanding of complex issues and their expression of compassion and concern for those who suffer. PSALM students make visible our Gospel values of caring for those in need. 2013 marked an amazing passage of time for PSALM celebrated the fourteen year anniversary of our founding by an amazing group of students who wondered, “How can we make a difference in the world today?”


Message From The Committee on International Justice & Peace/ United States Conference of Catholic Bishops:

“The projects PSALM has undertaken to advocate for the abolition of landmines and cluster munitions as well as to assist the victims of such indiscriminate weapons are truly a model for others who seek to energize young people into action on social justice issues. We keep your fine work in our prayers”.



PSALM meetings are held after school from 3 pm to 4:15 pm usually once or twice a month. We try to hold meetings on different days to accommodate students that participate in other after school activities. Meetings will begin in September.


Students may purchase PSALM t-shirts that may be worn with their uniforms on meeting days and special awareness events. T-shirt order forms will be sent home at the first meeting.


PSALM events include:

  • September 20th – Peace Day
  • November 1st – Awareness balloon release
  • January – art and photo exhibit at the Monongalia Arts Center
  • February 28th – Celebration of the Mine Ban Treaty and PSALM Anniversary
  • April 4th – “Lend Your Leg” Day


PSALM students have been invited make presentations at the WVU Global Health Day, Diocesan Social Justice Day in Charleston, the Vatican Embassy, and to meet with national and state leaders in Washington, D.C. PSALM students are members of the Catholic, United States and International Campaign to Ban Landmines and the Cluster Munition Coalition.

For more information, contact Ms. Sheets: